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1. Background

The network project titled “Nordic animal gene banks – added value through Nordic cooperation” (NordFrost), has aimed to strengthen the collaboration and competence for ex-situ conservation of animal genetic resources (AnGR) in the Nordic region. This project was launched as a case study following the Horizon2020 funded IMAGE project (2016-2020) where it was concluded that there is a broad variation in the current state of practices and the distribution of responsibilities related to cryoconservation activities between the Nordic countries.
The national strategies on conserving AnGR emphasise ex-situ conservation in varying degrees. However, collection of samples, metadata, back-up storage of material or common strategies and action plans for ex-situ conservation on a regional level does not exist. This makes conservation of AnGR an exposed area that threatens the resilience of Nordic food security. By developing new collaborative models, strengthening Nordic infrastructure, and enhancing the development of Nordic strategies for ex-situ conservation in the region, this network will contribute to increased sustainability for populations and future Nordic food security.
Funding: The Nordic Joint Committee for Agricultural and Food Research (NKJ).
Initiating organisations and steering group members:
  • Nordic Genetic Resource Center (NordGen) / Farm Animals (coordinator)
  • Aarhus University / Morten Kargo, Center for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics
  • Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) / Ian Mayer, The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
  • Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) / Annika Tienhaara, Bioeconomy and Environment
Top photo: Practical workshop at NMBU, Norway, 20.4.2023.