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Genebank – Sustainable Use of Plant Genetic Resources

NordGen provides genetic material to facilitate sustainable food and feed production and other biobased solutions in the Nordic region’s changing climate. The best way to preserve genetic diversity is to use it and the Nordic seed collection is no exception. Therefore, NordGen sends out thousands of seed samples annually to scientists, plant breeders, companies, museums, botanical gardens and home gardeners with an interest in old cultural plants. 
From 2018 to 2020, NordGen noticed a considerable increase (+89%) in the number of requested seed samples and since then the number has stabilised at a high level, between 4.000 and 5.000 sent out seed samples per year. Seeds are primarily requested by Nordic and European countries, although requesters in a total of 30 countries have ordered seeds from NordGen in 2021. 
Figure 4: Samples sent 2018-2021
The seed samples are mainly ordered by universities and research/breeding institutes while others interested in the material are seed saver organizations, museums, schools and municipalities for education or demonstration use.
The most ordered crop is cereals with more than 2.000 accessions ordered in 2020. Just above 1.000 accessions have been ordered respectively from the groups forage crops and grain legumes.
Figure 5: Crop of requested accessions in 2020 (number of bags)
CER: Cereals
FOR: Forages
VG1: Vegetables1
VG2: Vegetables2
GRL: Grain legumes
MED: Medicinal plants
ORN: Ornamentals
ROT: Root tubers
POT: Potatoes
In addition to the distribution of seed samples for scientific purposes, the seed lab also handles the seed orders in NordGen’s online shop where the number of orders increased with 37% (1.063 to 1.458) from 2020 to 2021.
As one of the ways to promote the sustainable use of plant genetic resources to the general public, NordGen has established an online shop where we distribute our surplus of seeds for a small admin fee. During springtime, hobby growers and home gardeners with an interest in older varieties of vegetables, flowers and cereals can order seed samples and mini tubers of potatoes from NordGen.
In 2021 the website work with the online shop continued, for example the product range was expanded with new products.
Figure 6: Number of orders in the online shop 2018-2021