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Knowledge Centre – NordGen Farm Animals

The genetic diversity that our Nordic native farm animal breeds carry is invaluable. Over hundreds of years, they have developed desirable traits that make them robust and well adapted to the Nordic climate and way of life. Native breeds have a wider genetic base than commercial breeds and great potential for future food production in a sustainable way. For example, research shows that milk from Nordic native cattle breeds is among the best in the world when it comes to cheesemaking, and also contain valuable nutrients that could be used to develop bioactive food components. If further investigated, the genetic diversity of the native breeds can help adapt the Nordic agriculture to the needs of the market, climate change and new production systems. However, many of the about 160 farm animal breeds native to the Nordic countries are today at risk of becoming endangered. NordGen Farm Animals is working to reverse that trend. 

Key Activities

During 2023, NordGen Farm Animals has worked in several projects and continued in maintaining networks that serve as a platform for discussing joint research applications and increased communications on its activities. The increased communication and knowledge sharing  with stakeholders supports the current strategic goal to proactively strengthen NordGen’ s position as a Nordic knowledge center for genetic resources.  

Guidelines in Cryoconservation Published

Photo of three horses on field, two of the horses are eating grass.
Several years of cooperation between FAO and NordGen culminated in 2023 when the book "Innovations in cryoconservation of animal genetic resources" was published together with over 40 international authors. This publication integrates extensive research from the EU HORIZON project 'IMAGE Innovative Management of Animal Genetic Resources'. It provides an overview of cryoconservation method as maintaining animal genetic resources, including technical specifications, germplasm types, and biological principles across different species. Additionally, it incorporates the latest insights into sanitary interventions, data management strategies, legal considerations, and approaches to capacity building. 

Northern European Horse Network  

Through an ERFP ad-hoc action ("European Regional Focal Point for Animal Genetic Resources") – we expanded to a new and broader network in 2022 – "The Network for native horse breeds in the Baltic Sea region and Northern Europe". The network's primary goal is to strengthen cooperation in the entire Northern European region by seeking new regional projects, hosting workshops and promoting the exchange of best practices between national programs. The network is committed to creating material for stakeholders’ training and promotional activities. This involves producing content highlighting these breeds' historical importance and value to local areas, benefiting local businesses. In addition, the network aims to increase visibility and appreciation among the general public. 
In 2023, the network expanded to include new member countries, notably the UK. Additionally, the European Regional Focal Point (ERFP) awarded the network a grant to host a physical meeting in 2024. To further strengthen the network activities, an online meeting was held on October 25th, where participants agreed on continuation, such as collection of missing data and planning another in-person meeting. 

Breed Stories

In 2023, NordGen Farm Animals continued the ambitious task of creating portraits of all the Nordic native animal breeds. The portraits contain information about each breed and its current status and are being written with support from the different breeding organizations in the Nordic countries. As we have some 160 different animal breeds this is a time-consuming and resource demanding project, but it fills a void and constitute information asked for as there is no other place where curated information about our Nordic native animal breeds can be found all in one place.  

NordMeat Publication

The goal of the project "NordMeat – characterizing the meat of indigenous Nordic breeds" was to gather information to understand the special features of meat production of Nordic native breeds. Until now, traits such as growth potential and slaughter quality compared to commercial breeds have remained largely uncharted. The NordMeat survey showed that the carcass characteristics of native breeds have comparative advantages in an extensive feeding system. They may also be more successful in value-added markets than mainstream beef production. These results were published in 2023 in a scientific article. 

Project Activities

A significant part of the work conducted during 2023 in the farm animal section was carried out in various projects. Read more about the projects "NordFrost", "NaNo Horse" and "Hästnäring i Norden" in the chapter "Projects".
Closeup of a cryoconservation tank
Close-up photo of the head of a hen.
Finnish landrace chicken, one of many breed stories at NordGen's website.
NordGen Farm Animals is a service and knowledge centre working to conserve and promote sustainable management of the animal genetic resources in the Nordic region.  Contributing to the Nordic countries’ own work by promoting the genetic, economic, cultural, historical and social values that come with a wide variety of different animals in Nordic agriculture.
NordGen Farm Animals’ activities are providing tools and advice to preserve the genetic variation in living populations (in situ) but also to establish cryo-storage of genetic material (ex situ). Through a variety of projects, NordGen Farm Animals are working to initiate research and development projects related to categorization, conservation, management and sustainable use of animal genetic resources.
NordGen Farm Animals also organizes workshops, seminars and courses for various Nordic stakeholders and promotes good collaboration between them. Actively distributes information about animal genetic resources and partake in international networks. Works to promote sustainable breeding practices and good principles for fair trade in animal genetic material.