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Equines in the Nordics: History, status and genetics

NordGen Publication Series: 2024:05
ISBN: 978-91-986029-9-9 

© NordGen 2024

Cover photo: Cécile Zahorka / The Pixel Nomad & Vor-die-Linse Fotografie
Layout: Mette Agger Tang

The report was written by Ellen-Louisa Fagerheim White, Mervi Honkatukia, Jaana Peippo and Maria Kjetså from NordGen Farm Animals section.
The authors express their gratitude to all those who participated in the preparation of the report. The information processed in the report was received from the several horse breed associations and horse experts including the researchers. The national coordinators for animal genetic resources and the scientists are acknowledged for reviewing the draft report and their valuable comments on the text.  


The Nordic Genetic Resource Centre (NordGen) is the Nordic countries’ gene bank and knowledge center for genetic resources. NordGen is an organisation under the Nordic Council of Minister and works with the mission of conserving and facilitating the sustainable use of genetic resources linked to food, agriculture and forestry.

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